Love, love, love, love, love, love.
Wedding day!
I jumped up when my alarm went off at 8. I'm not sure the last time I woke up at 8:00 on a Saturday, but today, I couldn't have been happier to do it. I ate breakfast, and then lunch, and then came back and got ready for the wedding! Caitie picked me up about 1:45.
The venue was this old car factory called Marathon Music Works. Apparently it now hosts church services on Sundays and is otherwise rented out for events, just like this! I've heard from Kyla for months that she knew that this place was perfect from the very first time she visited. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was the walking up four flights of stairs to get into it, but I managed. Ha!
One thing that I thought was so cool was that Kyla and Taylor managed to have everything in this one room. It took some reorganizing everything in between the ceremony and reception, but it worked, and it was a little funny. The whole room was so beautiful, relaxing, and very them. With the brick walls, the wood floors, the lace and burlap curtains and their fall decorations, it all felt southern without being "country". I loved it. This was probably my favorite part of the whole room. (And that cake? Handmade by one of her bridesmaids and absolutely AMAZING. Delicious.)
This was the center of the room, where they stood for the ceremony. I could not get enough of how stunning the backdrop was in all of its simplicity.
An onslaught of ceremony pictures...from when the pastor, Taylor, and his groomsmen first got in there to after it was all official and everyone was cheering. I took way more than this, but I figured you didn't need to see them all. :) Everything that the pastor said, the vows, his words beforehand, it was all so sweet and felt so right for them. I loved it. It gave me a new perspective on love and how I want my future marriage to be.
With this one, I could see tears in Kyla's eyes all the way from my seat.
The kiss!
Woo hoo! This one wasn't meant to be centered on Taylor, haha, but I was not focusing on my camera angle. Kyla's face cracks me up!
This is Adam, from the Sanctuary band. He did a beautiful job at all the service music. I got to speak to him at the reception, and surprisingly, he remembered who I was from last year, even though I only got to speak to him for a few seconds at Sanctuary last year!
Reception pictures! Bruno! Yes, he is actually this weird on occasion. This picture cracks me up every time I see it.
While guests were eating, the bridal party and family were taking pictures. I love them under the light. Kyla looked like a princess.
Brother love! It's been such an honor and a joy to watch these two grow up into even stronger men over the past couple years.
I actually met this guy only today. His name is Rick. And I wanted a picture with him because I've heard a lot about him from Taylor, and his mustache/beard combo was just awesome.
Our pretty centerpiece.
My one chance to see the girls this trip. Callie! Thankfully, after all this time, they're used to my penchant for pictures. ;)
Joseph..aka Waffles! It was wonderful to see and talk to him again. The funny thing is, Joe's wife Anna, who I only spoke to briefly at Waffle House after the CD release show last year, remembered me as "the girl who named Joe Waffles". Yep!
Phoebe :)
Taylor...yes, he put on a bandana pretty much as soon as the ceremony was over. It's even in their "couple pictures" right after the ceremony. It's very Taylor, anyone who knows him knows it. One of the things I admire in people is the ability to be themselves.
Oh, dear sweet Kyla. I adore this girl. I actually didn't even come close to crying until I was talking to her at the end of the night. I'm so blessed that she stepped into the role of my "surrogate big sister" so quickly and willingly.
Then came what was hands down the most beautiful and incredible part of the night. Kyla and Taylor ended their wedding celebration in a way that I've never heard of anyone ever do before. This was also mentioned in their ceremony, but "worship" is a word that is pretty much automatically associated with these two, largely because Kyla is in the Sanctuary band and Taylor has frequented it for so long. And they are so in love with God that instead of running off right after the reception, they had the Sanctuary band boys hold a time of worship for anyone who wanted to stay and be a part of it.
This is a picture from right before the worship started, Taylor explaining it to everyone. Through these songs, I was inspired to love my God more, worship better, make Him more of my heart and my life so that He can have full control of me. It was heart-wrenching in the most amazing and beautiful way.
After that ended and virtually everyone left, people started taking decorations and the band started packing up. I was able to talk to the Sanctuary boys. I reminded them that I had given Brooks a card and gift for all of them on Thursday, so that they knew to make sure to get it from him. But it was just great to be able to talk to them and tell them a little bit about why I am so grateful for them and to encourage them to keep doing what they do for the people of Nashville.
Oh, and I snapped this hilarious picture. Bromance! I didn't notice Kyla over there sticking her tongue out until much later, which just makes it even more awesome.
This is my new Facebook cover photo. I'm so thankful for these five. They are a gift.
Everything moved a lot faster than I think anyone was planning on or expecting, so I was actually back at my hotel about 6:30. Not long after that came the icing on the cake. I got to see Brennan. Several months ago, he had said we could see each other at some point while I was in town for this weekend, so I texted him when I got into town on Thursday and just told him to let me know when was good for him. He had told me that it would be tonight or tomorrow because he was out of town for a trip, so I texted him tonight when I was back at the hotel to see if he had a plan. Not long before 8:00, he showed up in my hotel lobby.

We just sat there for about 45 minutes talking, but it was so great. It felt like two old friends just reconnecting. I'll admit, I was a little nervous when I headed down the stairs to the lobby, but I shook it off as excitement. But we just talked, and it felt natural. We talked about school, life after graduation, all the health stuff going on, family, where I am in my faith, everything. When he had to go, we prayed together. And then he drove me to Logan's so I could get a late dinner, opening and closing the door of his truck for me when I got in and out, which was just sweet.
I know a lot of my friends have been particularly concerned for me in the choices I've made with him, through all the ups and downs and drama, and I know exactly why they were upset every time I gave our friendship another chance, because it seemed like such a terrible idea. But tonight, seeing him in person again and getting to hang out and talk without any barriers or awkwardness, I was so thankful that I didn't listen to them. We both had a lot of growing up to do when we first met, and we still do, but I think everything that happened last year taught us both a lot, and now we can just be friends. Which is all I ever wanted in the first place.
Today, I'm thankful for the inspiration that filled my day. The inspiration to wait for a love that's real and deep and a relationship that will further my walk with Christ, that I saw in Kyla and Taylor. The inspiration to know God deeper and love God more that I found in the worship time. The inspiration to be a better friend, and also to listen to my gut even when the people who love me tell me I'm being stupid, that I was reminded of in the time I got to talk to Brennan tonight.
I am a blessed girl.