Hi! I'm Mallory, but you can call me Mal. It seems that everyone does, no matter how well we know each other. So yes, call me Mal.
I'm 24 years old. I recently spent two years in New York City in order to attend NYU. I graduated with my Master's in International Relations in September 2016. New York has always been one of my favorite places in the world, so to get to live there for two years was a dream come true.
I went to college at Campbell University (Campbell Proud!) and earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in Political Science, with a concentration in International Relations, and French, graduating in May 2014. That school was home for me like no other place has ever been. I made friends who absolutely transformed me as a person and friend. They are my family, and I wouldn't be who I am or where I am without their constant, faithful love, support, and patience.
Behind God, my relationships with people are the most important thing in my life. Because of the friends I made at Campbell, I finally began to learn to believe that I deserve love. I am eternally grateful for the way these people have stood by me. The friends I made at Campbell have made me want to be better and love harder. I thank God every day that I have people, especially the ones pictured above, who stand by me through everything, even when we're hundreds of miles apart. They are just as much family to me as my mom and sisters.
I've been told that I'm a 100% extrovert, I've never met a stranger, and I don't suffer fools.
I love, in no particular order, music and singing, Mexican food, NC State football and basketball, French, politics, writing, soccer, and meeting new people.
If it could be 65-70 degrees year round, that would be perfect to me.
I'm Type A to the max. I'm a bit obsessive about punctuality, and I thrive on plans.
I have big dreams. I want to travel the world one day. My ultimate dream is to be an ambassador for the State Department. I've had a lot of health issues in my life, more than most people could imagine and a lot of things that I shouldn't have survived, but I hope that that never defines who I am.
I became a Christian in April 2012 through a series of very God-orchestrated events. It was the best decision of my life and a day beyond anything I could imagine. God saved my life over and over again and breathes life into my aching soul every day. I love to share my story with people. It's crazy, but it's mine. He is so good. No matter what happens in my life, I can't avoid coming back to the truth that He is what sustains me. And it's because of Him that I have so much love in my life now. My friends show Jesus to me by the way they love me. I would do anything to show people the greatest Love I have ever known. I have a passion for sharing my story with people to help them through whatever trials they are facing.
I'm a politics nerd. I'm a hardcore Democrat and a bit of a feminist. But my relationships with people will always mean more to me than political opinions.
I'm way too sarcastic, but I'm also incredibly protective of the people I love and fiercely loyal. If I love you, I will go to the ends of the earth to help you if you need me.
If you want to know more about me, feel free to read through the pages of this blog or click on the "Contact Me" tab to get in touch. I love to talk to people! This blogging world has brought me some very dear people, and I am so grateful for it. Don't be shy. If you'd like to know more about the medical issues I've dealt with or have questions about stories you find in these pages, feel free to comment or email me and ask. The details aren't always pretty, but every one of those 23 surgeries has gotten me to where I am now.
I pray that the people who stop by this blog learn something about themselves, about me, about how to treat other people, but most of all, I pray that they see the hand of God. My story is a story of redemption. I've come through fire, and it's not lost on me how blessed I am to live the life I live today. My story, in the end, isn't about me, anyway. It's about my chance to show people just what God can do. If I can teach others to search for the blessings in their life and rely on God's love when things in their life aren't going well, then I feel like I have done my job. I am nothing but His vessel, and I'm honored that He's chosen me for a story like this.
To read why I chose the name "Beauty in the Breakdown", go here.

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