I know I've talked about this verse before. It's one of the many verses that Brennan sent me as encouragement when I was in the hospital last April with pancreatitis, but I quite honestly don't even remember what the other ones were. This one has stayed with me and been something that I've held on to quite a bit over the months since then, especially as I have struggled to deal with my migraines and be patient to see what God had planned for this part of my story. I mentioned the verse again back in July, before things were far from as bad as they have been in recent weeks, but it's so full of the God-given strength that I need that it's been something I've really held onto as I've pleaded with God to help me not to give up. Y'all know me - patience has never been one of my strong suits, but by His grace and the friends He put in my life to minister to me, I have, for the most part, managed to keep myself where I need to be mentally to keep pushing forward.
Today, this verse has been on my mind almost constantly because something completely miraculous happened. After only 24 hours on this new combination of drugs, I can already feel an improvement in my head. Any improvement at all after so long of being in the same state is a huge blessing from the Lord. And it made me think of this verse.
"Then your light will break forth like the dawn." God's mercies are new every morning. Every time the sun rises, I am faced with another opportunity to be drawn closer to Him, to live the life He asks of me, to run the race He has set before me. Every day that I am alive is another chance to honor Him and shine His light.
"And your healing will quickly appear." To most people, months doesn't seem like healing quickly appearing, but in the big picture, I'm 20 years old. God willing, I have several decades of life ahead of me, so really, the past seven months isn't that long in comparison.
"Then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard." The Lord is my righteousness. He goes before me, and He walks behind. I am surrounded by the One who cannot be defeated. I am loved and protected by a God who never quits. I need not be afraid. He is with me. He's got me. He always has, and He always will, because He is just that faithful.
I am so incredibly blessed, that is for sure. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to get on this here blog and tell all of you lovely friends that I am pain-free.
"Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23 I believe, Lord. I do believe.

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