That turned out to be a waste because the hospital in New Bern said they didn't have a bed available and therefore I wouldn't be transferred until tomorrow at the earliest.
So she left again. Holly and Michael came back by because she forgot to give me the keys to my dorm back, and I kinda need those. Then Michael accidentally locked their keys in their car, so I got to hang out with her for a bit while we waited for the mechanic help people (I cannot currently think of the word for the people that break into cars) to arrive.
The weirdest thing happened earlier. I was sitting here telling my nurse about how I have an internship in DC this summer and that I want to move to Europe to work in an embassy. This is literally what just happened.
Nurse: "You're not moving to Europe."
Me: "Uhhh...excuse me? Why?"
Nurse: "Because you're a damn American!"
Me: "So? In order to work in international politics, you usually have to move...INTERNATIONALLY."
Nurse: "You can go visit, but you're not moving there."
And then she proceeded to tell me all the reasons why I'll hate it there because she hated it there, even after I told her I've already been! WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK. Woman, you do not know me. You are not my mother. You do not ORDER complete strangers on what to do with the rest of their life. Where the heck do you get off telling me something like that? This is the kind of prejudiced crap that makes the rest of the world hate us.
Enough of that. I'm glad another day is down.
On the upside, I spent a bit of time texting with Brennan tonight, and he sent me some Bible verses on healing. One really stuck out and has stuck with me: "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard." Isaiah 58:8. So deep, and so full of the strength and God-given peace that I need. I know I've said this about a hundred times, but that boy is such a gift.

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