Okay, so here's what my schedule for the semester looks like, which I only now know because I just got the times for my two French classes nailed down this morning.
8:00-8:50 International Relations with Dr. Thornton
9:00-9:50 World Religions with Dr. Lopez (whom I had for Intro to Christianity and really liked!)
2:00-2:50 Phonetics & Pronunciation with Dr. Steegar
3:00-3:50 Public Policy with Dr. Mero
8:00-9:20 Advanced French Grammar with Dr. Steegar (my last class with Ryann! *tear*)
A very off-balance schedule, but hey, I'm really excited. The good news is that while classes technically start tomorrow, we can't start Grammar until next week, which means I have no classes. That means I didn't have to go to the bookstore today and could put it off until tomorrow. Hence the pajamas. It was awesome.
I'm getting my binders together tonight and whatnot, though, because I like to be prepared. Plus, it makes me excited.
Tomorrow I will be getting up at a semi-reasonable hour to prepare myself for the 6:30 am daily wakeups that start on Wednesday. I'll go to the bookstore and start making phone calls because I will hopefully be getting an on-campus job this semester. 15 credit hours will leave me with time to kill; plus, I'd like the extra money.
Here we go!

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