Because of course, the first day that I have to wake up that early will be directly after the first night of the semester where I have massive insomnia.
French at 8:00 this morning was not fun. French in general, however is. I felt like an idiot because I couldn't remember things I definitely should have known, but that's what summer does to everyone. The other girls in the class were in the same boat, and Dr. Steegar is awesome and understanding. Plus, Ryann's in that class which is always good because of how close we've gotten.
Speaking of Ryann, I'm going to see her play soccer tomorrow night at 7. I can't remember if I've mentioned it, but she's the goalie on the Campbell Women's soccer team. And she's apparently a BEAST on the field. I'm excited to see it, considering how much I love soccer. I'm grateful that Amy is driving me back to the field because in relation to my dorm, it is seriously as far as you can possibly go away and still be on campus. I'm pretty sure if I walked there a) I'd have to leave at 6:00 and b) wouldn't be conscious for the game. Haha! And Kyle's coming.
I had my first music class today, too. The professor is Bulgarian, so he has an awesome accent. And he seems very chill. Not only did he cancel the first day of class last week, he let us out today as soon as he finished talking about the syllabus. 40% us our grade is tests, and 60% is attending 10 of the many (like 25 or so) concerts the music department puts on throughout the semester. All we have to do is show up and fill out a little orange card. AND if we attend 6 or more by the beginning of November, we don't have to take the final!! Which is totally awesome.
So now that I've actually been to all of my classes, I am really only stress about two of the six, which is really good for me. :p I'm worried about English because of the giant research paper, and Scope & Methods because of the huge project. But it'll work out. I'm honestly surprised at how low my stress level has been so far.
Did I mention I love this school??? :)

Isn't that feeling sooooo nice when you realize that you won't have to worry about most of your classes? School doesn't start for me until Monday, so I don't know yet how much stress there'll be next semester, but looking at what's on the schedule, it looks like a whole lot. :(