My Western Civ grade.
Which is awesome in itself considering how stressed out I was about that final.
Well guess what I got on the final...
A 96!!!!!!!!!!!
And you know what that gave me for the semester?
A 91!!!! That's an A, people!
I, in no way, shape, or form, was expecting to get an A in this class!
It was probably curved, but I really don't even care - an A is an A is an A!
That aside, I rescheduled my Wilmington appointments today to go to the doctor.
A really smart decision, in my opinion, because if I waited much longer I could've easily been sent to the hospital.
It's a lovely combo of some strep-like throat infection and bronchitis.
I received my usual winter cocktail of an inhaled steroid and an antibiotic.
Fun times.
And yes, in case you were wondering, I'm still giddy about that A. :D

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