I had an umbrella, but I tried to use it tonight when I went to dinner with my friend Kari, and it was broken in like two minutes. Luckily, it wasn't raining hard, and I had a hood. However, it was FREEZING COLD all day which made the rain feel like ice was falling on me. Not fun at all. Especially since yesterday it was in the 70s.
My English professor was actually nice to me some of the time today. Odd, considering how she treated me on Tuesday (the other reason I had a bad day). She was funny some of the time, too, which was another nice change.
Four weeks from tomorrow, I will be going home for the weekend for Chelsea's baby shower. She actually texted me today (while I was napping!) and asked me if I was coming. DUH! LOL. So excited. For the shower, and for the fact that I'm super homesick and get to see my mom. Then, it's only two weeks after that till Spring Break. :) But yes, don't you worry, I am enjoying college.
Okay, so last semester, one of the (many) days I was bored in the hospital, I went to Campbell's website and looked at their final exam schedule. Don't ask me why. But I realized that if I had been there the whole time with my original schedule, my exam schedule would've looked like this: Tuesday, December 1 - exam at 8 am, exam at 12 pm, exam at 3 pm; Wednesday, December 2 - exam at 8 am; Thursday, December 3 - exam at 8 am. Now, you might not know this about me, but I am so not a morning person. That's why, last semester when my advisor emailed the schedule he had made for me for this semester, I immediately emailed him back and asked him to change my 8 am Government course to a different time. :) Plus, 3 exams in one day is A LOT. And there was an opportunity to take one of those three exams on the last exam day, but I knew my mom wouldn't have wanted me to because that last exam day was Monday, December 7, and she would need to pick me up on the weekend. So all in all, that schedule would have sucked for me big time. Trust me, there is a point to all this rambling...
I just went back to the website to see if they had changed the exam schedule to this semester, and if the time slots were still the same as last semester, and this is my exam schedule now...
Monday, May 3 - English 3 pm
Tuesday, May 4 - Government 12 pm, Economics 3 pm
Wednesday, May 5 - Western Civ 12 pm, French 3 pm
No 8 am exams. No 3 exams in one day. And this semester, the last day of exams is Friday, May 7, so no matter what, I'd be done before the weekend so my mom could pick me up easily. Plus, I get to start out with a fairly easy exam and end with the easiest of them all! All in all, I am super happy.
Now, I must go...Grey's Anatomy is about to start!

ha. love your 'rain rain go away come again when I have a new umbrella. ha you make me giggle :)