I got there super early because I had never been to that building before and I didn't want to rush, and I also had to find the room. Turns out - it's in the auditorium. Luckily since I got there so early I got a good seat. The class was easy. We read the syllabus. That only took about 25 minutes, and then we had to sit through this insanely long presentation from the business school librarian on copyright. BORING! But oh well.
Luckily, we got out early, so I was able to take my time getting to english, but the walk really isn't as long as I thought it would be. My English professor is already getting on my nerves. She spent the first hour preaching and then wondered why we couldn't get everything else she wanted done in the last 20 minutes of class. But whatever.
Then, I went back to the dining hall for lunch, and came back to the dorm and ended up sleeping for three hours. OOPS! I really have not done anything else today. Tomorrow, I only have one class because Drop/Add is tomorrow afternoon from 1:00-5:00, so all classes after 1 are cancelled. Yay for that!

Ahh the life of a college student. :) Glad you are back.