But the thing I LOVE the most is that my 1:00 Government and 2:00 Western Civ are in the same room. And French at noon is only one floor below that room. Easy commute. :)
Tomorrow is gonna be pretty bad, though. I have an Economics class from 9:30-10:50 all the way on the other side of campus, and then I have to get back to the center of campus by 11:00. Not going to be easy for my poor back. Oh well, there's not anything I can do about it.
Sorry this is short. I just don't feel like writing a lot tonight. I'm gonna finish watching the new SVU, go to my dorm meeting at 10, and then crash.

That short commute is awesome! My shortest commute is fifteen minutes, and that's if I walk realllly fast! It takes more like 20-25 to get from class to class! And it's only about 18 degrees here so the walks are brutal! Its all killing my knee, so I sympathize with you on the back thing! I joined the gym today though so hopefully that will start to help. Enjoy syllabus week though, before you know it you'll be overwhelmed with homework and missing this boring week! Have a good second day!