Oh man, today.
I got up at about 9:30 to run outside and see Isaiah, who made a pit stop over here in the midst of getting ready to leave. I love the fact that he and Reafe have matching mohawks now. Because of course they do haha. One of the boys I'm gonna miss dearly.
I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I laid here until I could go get lunch. I ate, then went and returned all my books. I took that money to the bank and deposited it (the little bit that it was, yay college rip-offs), and then went to the post office, mercifully right next to the bank, and shut down my box. By the time I got back to my room, I was terribly lightheaded for absolutely no reason, so I ended up falling asleep for several hours.
Thankfully, I felt better when I woke up, so I ate dinner. That was when I found out that Scooter won't be able to come help me tomorrow, so I asked him if he could run over and say bye and bring a bracelet that I wanted to buy. Some family friends of his have a young daughter who has had brain cancer three times, so they're selling $3 bracelets to help support the medical bills. Of course I was going to buy one. I gave Scooter $5 and told him to tell them the other $2 was a donation.
Of course I had to get a picture with him!
He even brought Reafe over for "Round 2". Which was like the icing on the cake. Thankfully, Reafe is used to my penchant for pictures by now, so he didn't act surprised in the least when I asked him for another one (even though I just saw him on Monday). He said this one was going to be serious, so as a joke I went serious, too. Afterwards Scooter laughed and said "Caption: mean muggin' with my boy!" Haha, pretty much. I'm not sure this look works for me. :p
To my oh-so-pleasant surprise, Reafe then said "Okay, now a smiling one for her." He loves me. :)
We talked about how I'm gonna follow the team next year, and Scooter mentioned that I can watch at least most of the games online. And Reafe said, "Yeah, tell people, 'I'm watching my boys!'" The fact that they even refer to themselves as "my boys" makes me feel like I'm even smiling on the inside I'm smiling so hard. The best part, though, was at the end when I asked them if I could pray with them. (Scooter is a very strong Christian, too.) I tried my best to keep it short and sweet, but I wanted to make it real. Afterwards, Scooter looked up and said, "Wow, you're a good prayer!" Haha it was so sweet, and Reafe even remembered the time that I prayed for him after our lunch date and said "Yeah man, she prayed for me once. It was so beautiful." It made me smile that he even remembered that. I'm really glad I did that.
The night has been spent just as I expected. Cleaning, laundry, sorting keep stuff from trash stuff, food, and TV. I'm pretty much done with everything that I can do before tomorrow, so I may just call it a night because I have to run out in the morning to drop off a piece of paperwork that I forgot and make my hardest goodbye of all. Also, because I didn't sleep well at all last night. Why is that when I have the time to sleep and should sleep, my brain will not shut off, but when I shouldn't sleep, it's all I want to do and all I can do? Conundrums.
This is my last night in this dorm room after spending the past 4.5 years here...this is so weird. But it's real. This is really happening.
Someone hold me.