Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Three times today, my mind has been brought back to one big theme.  Two were conversations with Kyla and Taylor, and the third was during a sermon I listened to at a Revival event at the main campus that Theater Church is affiliated with.

The theme?  Living radically.

It started when Taylor and I were discussing the journey that my life has been on in the time that we've known each other and how he's gotten a firsthand look at how I went from a fake Christian, someone who claimed the title but didn't do much else, to someone actively pursuing whatever it is that God has planned for me.  He called me radical.  He said it was because I went through an intense storm and found my faith on the other side and because I now have this incredibly strong passion for telling people about my story.  I have that passion because I want to help them and show them just the kind of miracles that God can do.

Then, I went to the Revival, and the pastor spoke about how faith doesn't really mean anything if you're not pursuing that real relationship with Christ.  He said you can live radically without becoming an international missionary or adopting a bunch of orphans, that sometimes living radically just means you're willing to shout from the rooftops about how amazing your God really is.  The radical ones are those who put every bit of their trust in the power of the Holy Spirit and go do things they wouldn't think to do on their own.

Then, I got on the phone with Kyla, and she and I discussed a lot of the same stuff that Taylor and I did.  I mentioned an idea that I came up with while talking to Taylor, and it spurred this long talk about how I've influenced and encouraged her without even realizing and how she has done the same for me.  It's so inspiring and encouraging for me to hear that simply talking about my spiritual journey and the ways in which my faith has increased helps other people.

I've mentioned before that I've wondered if God has something bigger in store for me to do with my testimony.  All of this happening today has really solidified the fact that I know I want whatever it is that God has for me.  I want to be radical.  I want to be unashamed of my faith, like the Gospel says and like I remember The Vespers being the very first day I met them.  I want to be the girl that shouts from the rooftops (or internet, whatever) just how amazing my God is.  I want to (figuratively) grab someone by the shoulders, shake them and say, "LOOK.  Look at my life.  This is what God can do!  This is what He can redeem!"  I want to use my testimony to show the world that there is nothing out of His reach.

I want to be His vessel.  I don't know whether that means my only platform will be this barely-read blog in the corner of the gigantic internet, or one day I'll end up standing on a stage in front of hundreds or thousands with a microphone using my life and my words to bring God the glory and recognition He deserves.  What I do know is that I want to reach as many people as I possibly can, and I'm open for anything, any task God gives me.

Every single one of us has a story worth telling.  Do yourself a favor and ask God what He wants you to do with yours.  Today.  Right now.  When He answers, He will give you the strength and tools to fulfill that. Like me and public speaking, large crowds scare me, but if someone comes and says they want me to share my story with a crowd of hundreds, I'll jump at the chance because not only can I help people, I get to show people who might be struggling with their faith what it feels like to know God never gives up on you.  I get to show people that trauma can turn into something beautiful.  I get to show people that God is sufficient.

I want to tell as many people as possible that there is a God who can save them over and over again from unimaginable harm and risk of death.  I am a living testimony to His power, love, and grace, and I just can't keep quiet about it anymore.

The way I see it?  When people call you a radical Christian, you're doing something right.

So go.  Be radical.  You'll change lives.  I promise.

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