Naturally, I immediately wanted to go.
But Charlotte is 3 hours away from Buies Creek, and I don't have a car.
I knew it was a stretch.
I called the ever-elusive Holly, but she never got back to me.
Well, Amy surprised me by coming over tonight and bringing me a Bible she bought me (she is beyond awesome!). We were talking for a few minutes, and I mentioned it, and she just said she had to check her schedule, but if there was nothing she'd do it! Well I texted her a little while ago seeing if she checked her agenda yet, and she wrote back about 40 minutes later.
"Yes. And I'm busy. I have plans to go to The Vespers concert with a good friend. Sorry ;)"
It took a minute for the realization to register that she was being silly and actually telling me she COULD do it, so I went from disappointed to
I am screaming on the inside. Like really. You have no idea.
I am beyond stoked.
I can't wait to see Taylor and Bruno and Callie and Phoebe again!!!!!
Great day. Great, great day.

I love Amy's clever response :) My kind of sense of haha!!
Excited for you!