Now go and tell the story of a love so beautiful that it broke in order for you to be rebuilt. In His great, powerful mercy, He wants this for you. He doesn't want you to be a woman who is limping through life with a bruised heart, but rather, one whose eyes are lit with the anticipation of Him. It won't be perfect. I've given up on that. And not a moment too soon. What it will be is the feeble offering of a woman who has been spectacularly ruined by a love she can't understand. A woman who never thought she could be anything but a mess. A woman who learned the truth behind the sparkling eyes and the gentle love that desires her to be, well...mended.
I want to tell people about my brokenness because in doing that, I can show them the One who put me back together.
I want to tell people it's okay if God's unconditional love doesn't make sense to them because it doesn't make sense to me, either.
Mostly, I want to tell them how much brighter and richer my life becomes every time I stop beating myself u for not getting things perfect.
He rescues me every day from the traps that lie waiting for me. It is because of Him that I haven't totally lost my way all over again.
He saved me then, and He saves me now. I want to show people the kind of healing He has brought into my life, if only so I can tell them He can do the same thing in theirs.

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