Then, she told me that she needed to have a "conference" with me because I've missed so much class.
And that was when the tears came, and I couldn't stop them.
This, of course, is the professor who I feel least comfortable talking to, and the professor who scares me the most, and the professor I think likes me the least.
My Religion professor told me that if a teacher wants to fail me because of my absences, the administration can't do anything to stop it, even though my great-uncle's friend said they could. But it's just. not. fair! How could I possibly be punished for my grades when every single time that I've been out I've had a medical reason?
I can't think of any other reason she would want to talk to me, other than my grade is in trouble.
I'm working so hard all the time! And it's like I can't catch up or catch my breath.
I'm trying not to be scared about what this talk is about, but I can't help it.
Basically, today sucks. And when it sucks this bad, I need ice cream.
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