See, Chelsea went out "for the day" with Blake and the girl who was her roommate when she had him. So the house was quiet. And calm. Something you don't often get with Chelsea and a baby.
Now, Chelsea isn't coming home tonight. Even though she was supposed to. And I'm mad. This is the one weekend I'm home till after school is over, and I can't spend it with Blake like I wanted to. That, and I know that when she does show up tomorrow, more massive fights are going to ensue. It's her 21st birthday tomorrow, and our family meal is supposed to be on Sunday, and she's going to expect everything to still go on as planned. And my mom isn't going to let that happen. And yada yada yada, you get the picture. Basically, an already bad weekend is about to get worse. *sigh*
It's Good Friday. May we all remember what God gave up for us, and what Jesus suffered for us.

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