A on my research paper. (2 As in the whole class, my professor said mine was the best and called me "technique-wise almost perfect")
and narrowly missed being hit by a car. (my fault!)
Plus, I finally got some decent sleep last night.
Can't believe the end of the semester is so close!
6 more of my MWF classes.
4 more of my TTH classes.
Last day is 4/29.
Reading day 4/30.
Exams are 5/3, 5/4, and 5/5.
A huge relief and completely terrifying all at the same time.
I am glad that all of my professors got their last test out of the way weeks before the final, so I don't have to worry about anything else huge till finals week. My friend, Kari, has tests the whole week the week before finals, and THEN she has to worry about finals. That would suck.
Two months till my 18th birthday! YAY!

Nice job on the paper! I got an A on a paper the other day, and there were only three A's in the whole class! That's such a great feeling! I can't believe the semester is ending so soon either. MY LAST ONE!! I don't know if I'm ready or not!