Plus, Campbell thought it'd be fun to rip up the sidewalk straight in the middle of my path between my dorm and classes, so by the time I got back this afternoon, my shoes covered in mud and grass and dirt. I washed my tennis shoes today, people. I'm just getting used to doing my own laundry every week; I've never washed my tennis shoes!
So I went and bought a new umbrella today, for obvious reasons. I borrowed my friend's to get to the bookstore and class, thank heavens, since she doesn't have class on Fridays. I hadn't even gotten from the bookstore to class before the umbrella had busted, and they're not even a football field away from each other! It still works, but when it flipped inside out because of the wind and I flipped it back, one of the metal prongs somehow got deformed and so now on one side the rain falls straight down on my leg instead of out like te arch is supposed to make it go. Stupid Campbell. Can't even sell good umbrellas when we're in North Carolina.
My mom's best friend Rachel is 39 weeks pregnant today. But she's already 3 centimeters dilated, so the chances of her making it to next Friday are slim to none. She's been saying she's sick of being pregnant for like 3 weeks, so I bet she'll go mad if she somehow actually does make it another week. Her daughter Abby turns 1 on Sunday. Wouldn't it be something if Hannah came on Abby's birthday? :)
Chelsea will be 35 weeks on Monday. Two weeks till I get to go home for the weekend for her shower! :) Rachel says she plans on coming, as long as she feels well. She's crazy, but she loves my mom.
Tomorrow is my two and a half year "anniversary" with Scarlet Grey. :) And exactly five weeks from tomorrow, I will be meeting them. You have no idea how badly I've wanted this for so long. They're not just some band I like; they're my friends. (Let's just hope and pray Blake doesn't pick that day or the day before to come!)
(This part will make JD smile.) I got a 99 on my French test. Woot woot! I would've gotten 100, but I could not remember for the life of me the past participle of avoir. It's an "irregular" verb, so that's why I had trouble. But now I know. Eu!
I'm cold. And tired. And my head hurts. There was something else that I was going to blog about, but I forgot. So bonne nuit! Buenas noches! Good night, and good luck.

I can't believe that Chelsea is 35 weeks! It seems like it was just yesterday that you were telling us that she was pregnant...
ReplyDeleteWe've got snow - which upon reflection, I will take over your rain any day LOL.