But not long before Econ finished, I started tasting acid in my throat. Then one of the worst waves of nausea I've had in a long time hit. It took everything I had not to get up and run out of class. I was that afraid I was going to puke. And I knew I would if I didn't get an anti-nausea pill from my room.
But I knew I didn't want to miss the information about the essay being assigned in English, so I went by there, and found a girl who offered to call me with the info.
It was a miracle that I didn't puke while trying to do that.
I came back, took my pill, and crashed. all. afternoon. I still don't feel well, but I can't afford to miss classes tomorrow.
At least I have chocolate donuts for breakfast tomorrow to look forward to. (Did I mention I love my dorm? :))
Stupid Biggest Loser. Why are they replaying last week's episode and delaying the new episode by an hour? Now, I have to stay up an extra hour.

I hope you feel better soon!