This is the fifth day my head has been getting worse. And my mom is so totally stuck on the fact that it's just a migraine from stress (which doesn't even make sense because I haven't been even thinking about stress lately) and that even though my neurologist thought that we should go up there (3 hrs away) to their ER, they won't do anything, that she's basically just telling me to suck it up and deal with it. *sigh* Okay, I have a really strong ability to deal with simple pain like headaches. When I cry all the way to school and can't even focus on physical therapy, you know it's bad. But whatever. I guess I will just have to deal with it.
I got a 100 on my French IV test today. I originally thought I wasn't going to do that great because of how badly my head was killing me by last period, but it was one of the easiest tests I've taken in four semesters of this class. :)
Okay, this is all I have. I'm going to go eat a single-serving pizza, take a shower, and lay down with a heating pad wrapped around my head (mom's suggestion) till Dancing with the Stars.

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