I couldn't sleep last night because I kept feeling like I was going to choke to death, so I basically got a whopping total of three hours of sleep before a long day of school and physical therapy. *sad*
And on top of the joys of that, I found out today that I have a quiz on the final seven chapters of Jane Eyre tomorrow. Everyone else found out on Friday. Because I didn't go participate in "Senior Fun Day", I stayed in the library straight through from 2nd period into 3rd. And so they had a few minutes at the beginning of third and they found out, and my oh-so-thoughtful English declined to mention the quiz to me when I saw her three other times that day. Gah. That means I have to read 104 pages tonight and I really don't feel like doing a single thing because I'm in so much pain.
And I'm going to have to bust my butt from now till June 7th at 8 pm to recover from the major procrastination I've done in my online AP Euro History class. Except I don't have time for it tonight because I have to read! Remind me to never take an online class ever again, kay?

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