Christmas was fine. The family got along pretty well. But I spent most of christmas Eve and Day sobbing, so that made it pretty bad for me.
I did, however, get some awesome gifts. I know that's not the reason for Christmas, but it did lift my mood.
The orange cell phone I got last month was the first thing.
I also got:
a dorm phone that lights up orange, so I won't have to go outside at Campbell every time I want to talk to someone, because my receeption in the dorm is really really bad.
three new pairs of pajamas
$140 (plus my mom paid me $800 that I had let her borrow so we could live while I was in the hospital)
and a 22" flat screen TV with built-in DVD player for my dorm. Mom took $100 off what she owed me for it, because it was expensive, but she later told me she's giving me $50 back because the dollar amount matches my sisters' presents that way. So SWEET.
I can't wait for Campbell. Now, if only this pain would go away. Test results will be in tomorrow or Tuesday. Mom says she's taking me back to the doctor tomorrow to see if we can get the results early because I end up screaming and sobbing on a daily basis.
But we'll see...I gotta get off this computer. Sitting up is not easy.

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