They say I'm making lots of steps in the right direction. I could even go home tomorrow asthma-wise, but there's still a lot of issues with this referred pain and getting me off the IV pain meds. I get this weird feeling that they think I'm some sort of addict, but it's not my fault that the PO drugs they want to give me don't work. I'm not a normal Peds patient; I have an insanely high tolerance for pain meds and they need to work with that.
Last night, I fell asleep about 2 am, the first semi-normal time in days, but was woken up what felt like every 15 minutes by my nurse (whom I adore, so I wasn't mad at her), my NA, and the respiratory people. So I slept like all day.
Speaking of respiratory people, my nebulizers are now every 4 hours. Another good step. They have this special nebulizer here that gets a lot more medicine into my lungs than the one I have at home, so here's to hoping that we can take this one home.
I took another shower tonight. It hurt again. But I was super sweaty and my mom was just not going to let the idea go so I did it. And then we realized that the temperature is screwed up in the whole unit so I've been soaked in sweat ever since, making the shower kind of pointless.
*yawn* That's about it. Night!

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