So needless to say, by this evening, I seriously needed to blow off some steam and get away for a little bit. Since punching something and running away were out of options, I went for a walk. I was frustrated with myself that I took two days off this past week, but that's life, and since I was so close to two miles on Saturday, I wanted to get myself there today, just so I could feel like I ended the week of exercise on a high note.
Well, I guess it was probably a combination of it being sunset plus me being so tense and upset that the walk went by really easily time-wise. I wanted to hit two miles. This is what happened.
TWO POINT FIVE! I took that goal and stomped on it.
The rest of the night was tense but somewhat healing, but I am emotionally spent now (lots of tears led me to an asthma attack, yay) sooooo.....good night.
Here's to seeing what milestones I can hit in the next seven days!

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