Monday, May 26, 2014


Today was a tense day for Mom and me.  We were both coming off that party high and the exhaustion of the past two weeks of preparation totally hit us, plus we were not on the best of terms because of all the stuff that went down last night, and we had to watch Blake today and he wouldn't take a nap, so there were just six million things piling up on us.

So needless to say, by this evening, I seriously needed to blow off some steam and get away for a little bit.  Since punching something and running away were out of options, I went for a walk.  I was frustrated with myself that I took two days off this past week, but that's life, and since I was so close to two miles on Saturday, I wanted to get myself there today, just so I could feel like I ended the week of exercise on a high note.

Well, I guess it was probably a combination of it being sunset plus me being so tense and upset that the walk went by really easily time-wise.  I wanted to hit two miles.  This is what happened.

TWO POINT FIVE! I took that goal and stomped on it.

The rest of the night was tense but somewhat healing, but I am emotionally spent now (lots of tears led me to an asthma attack, yay) sooooo.....good night.

Here's to seeing what milestones I can hit in the next seven days!

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