So...something you should know about me is that I'm a very indecisive person. Like really really indecisive. It's hard for me to buy or pick out anything because I'm so afraid I'll change my mind. I've had the same haircut for years because I wasn't sure if I wanted to change it. Well, tonight I went up to my mom and said "Do you think I should cut my hair?" just totally out of the blue. I had considered it a few months ago, but at the time thought I didn't want to do it because I wanted to be able to do my hair up for prom. I decided a couple weeks ago that I'm not going to prom, so I figure, why not?
So I made myself go ahead and get online and look up pictures of possible haircuts. After some serious deliberation, I found the perfect one. :)

This hair with my new purple frames that are coming in this week is gonna look amazing, my mom and I decided. :) I'm really really really happy.
This is totally cute.