That ended up not happening because I woke up with a migraine. And today would be the 9th consecutive day that I've had a headache. And I had 5 in the week and a half before that. Either I've stopped responding to my migraine med (which I am known to do), or the new seizure med they put me on after the pancreatitis is causing it. I'm calling my neurologist tomorrow for an appointment as soon as I get back from DC.
This is going to be a busy week. On top of work and my new class (Theories of Constitutional Interpretation), I have a visit to the State Department on Tuesday (where I hope to be working one day), a visit to Capitol Hill on Wednesday (this time, with the program), and a small group meeting with a Representative on Friday. I need strength and stamina now more than ever.
I am so tired. And nothing of any importance happened today, so this is what you get. I'm going to bed. It's the one escape from this pain.
Hope your headaches stop. Praying for your health.