Friday, February 22, 2013

Ain't no rest for the weary.

I don't know if I'm crazy, dedicated, or maybe a little bit of both.

I was under strict orders not to do basically anything for a couple days after the treatment, because when all the blood vessels in your body have medicine injected into them for 3 days in a row that constrict them, turns out physical strain can be dangerous.

So instead of doing anything physically tough, I've put my still-somewhat-recovering brain to work and started chipping away at this ridiculous to-do list I had from almost an entire week of school.

It's been a productive day, so yay for that, but man am I tired now.  Which is funny since I did take an almost two hour nap earlier, and it's not like I have any painkillers or anything to make me tired.  Guess that goes to show you how weak this treatment has made me.  Then again, I did read several chapters for both World Religions and Public Policy, wake up early to talk to my World Religions professor about when I could take a couple vocab quizzes I missed and the test that's happening Monday that I won't be ready for, completed the necessary French Phonetics assignments, finished the Chapter 4 work for Advanced Grammar, and copied the notes from Public Policy that I missed. That's a lot for someone whose past 4 days have consisted of nothing but laying around being infused with some hardcore drugs that are basically designed to knock you on your butt.

I think I'm just going to finish copying all of these notes from International Relations that I missed and go to bed.  I gotta get my sleep or I'm gonna wear myself out before this last week before Spring Break even begins.

If I can get this done before crashing, all that will be left on my to-do list for the weekend is the 6th two-page paper for Public Policy, preparing the essay for Wednesday's Public Policy midterm, and working on the bibliography for my massive International Relations Paper.  Not bad for a Friday night.  Monday and Tuesday, I'll have to figure out when to study for the makeup World Religions test that I'm taking Wednesday morning, which should be interesting since I have 5 classes and 6 tutoring sessions in those two days.

Maybe I am crazy for doing this much right after such a difficult week, but this is the least pain I've been in in three and a half months, and I'm taking advantage of it.

Normal is boring, anyway.

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