French definitely keeps me awake, though. My presentation went great. Dr. Steegar initially was teasing me because I had so many notes, but since I made copies for everyone, it went way faster. I do admit, though, that there was a lot of notes! I couldn't help it; I'm so indecisive I couldn't figure out what to cut. And it was only one page front and back...10 point Arial font...half an inch margins... ;) Then he was teasing me about a dang typo, and I swear, if I didn't know how much Dr. Steegar loves me, that would have been REALLY aggravating.
Then, I copied stuff from our book for Ryann because her book still has not come in yet. Then, I tried to go sign up for a housing appointment but the line was literally all the way from the second story, down the stairs, and across the first floor, and I had class in less than an hour so I was like, uh nope, coming back later.
Then, I went to Psychology. I had a bit to hang out before class started, so I talked with my project partners about our group project due on the 9th. Then we had class, and I only started falling asleep in about the last 5-10 minutes. I was impressed with myself. Ha!
Then I went to lunch and went back to my dorm to get ready for Water Aerobics. Then, a freaking gigantic thunderstorm rolled in, and after talking about it with a girl in my class, I called our professor and found out he was canceling class anyway.
Then I got my rain boots on to go back across campus to sign up for housing. I got outside and the rain had STOPPED. It was bizarre. It didn't rain the 40+ minutes it took me to get there, wait, and get back.
Then I came back, remembered I had an online graded test in Econ due yesterday that I didn't do, tried not to freak out, called my professor and found out it would barely affect my grade at all, stopped freaking out, did French homework, fooled around, ate, fell asleep at my desk for about 20 minutes (I think), and fooled around some more.
Then I watched THE CREEPIEST HOUR OF TELEVISION OF MY LIFE. Pretty Little Liars had its season 2 finale tonight and it was INSANE. That show is so good. It looks like just another "teen soap" at first glance, but it is written so well. It's just incredible, and SO deep! And then I talked with my friend about just how creepy it was.
I talked to Mom and found out I actually have to go home Friday night for my grandma's birthday dinner, and am coming back early Saturday. Super. The good news is I'm not going home for Easter, because I fly back from Nashville on Friday, I found a Raleigh friend who can pick me up, and then I need to be here on Sunday to finalize our Psychology project since I'm gone that whole week and it's due Monday.
And now I'm exhausted. I'm watching Castle, and then I'm going to collapse. It's been a long and crazy day, as you can see.
That sounds like a crazy day!