You know what's freaky?
Being in a dorm when 98% of the people are gone. It's Wednesday night, and basically everyone except for international students, athletes, and those who simply live too far away to go home, left hours ago because tonight was the start of Fall Break.
Like seriously, it's practically a ghost town. The parking lot next to my dorm also serves the two guys' dorms that my dorm is connected to, and there are maybe five cars out there right now, not including Mom's. It's quiet. One washer is running. There's no screaming coming from the lobby.
It's actually pretty nice, though. Silence is rather hard to find when you live in a college dorm. :)
I'm so glad it's Fall Break. If only because it means I don't have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow. 9:30 is SO much more appealing.
Mom took me to dinner off campus tonight in the next town over. It was delicious and cheap, our favorite kind of meal. Haha!
I'm lucky to have a mom who doesn't complain about missing a day of work to take me to Duke. My grandma could easily take me, but after the disaster that was my last "check-up" appointment, I think she was just as scared for me to go without her as I was.
My mom is awesome.
You know what's also awesome?
Sleep. :)
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