I'm not posting this one for you guys, I'm posting it because I have to get it off my chest, and what better place to do that than a place where no one in my real life knows how to get to? (My mom knows I have a blog, she just doesn't know what the address is, and probably doesn't care. Haha!)
So if you want to skip this post altogether, I totally won't be offended.
I'm probably beating a dead horse, but it has to be said.
Matt is driving me bananas. The poor boy is so dense he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it, so it's not like I can be mad at him for it. It's just...if you knew someone had feelings for you, wouldn't you assume that they don't want to hear about your girlfriend (or boyfriend) all the time? That it would hurt? I mean, maybe that makes me a bad friend. But he apparently has no idea that every time he talks to me about his girlfriend, Simone, my heart breaks a little bit more.
I want him to be happy. I really do. No matter who it's with. I just don't get how he thinks he's so happy being with girls who go all nuts on him at the most random times, and make him feel like he's a loser and screwed up. Doesn't he see that I would treat him better than any of his girlfriends ever have? I
get him. I get his personality. I get his sarcasm and sense of humor. I know not to expect him to show up on time. I know he'll rarely call me back when he says he will because he's ADD and gets distracted. I know he's so busy on his "breaks" that it's near impossible to get time to hang out with me. I know how he works. And I don't get mad at him for it.
Not to mention the fact that he's already been accepted as pretty much a member of my family. He calls my mom "Mom". She calls him "Son". He can show up at 2:30 in the morning to see me (and/or Holly) and Mom is totally okay with that. He's the only person she lets do that. He's been at our house for Thanksgiving dinner. The only other non-family members that have been invited to that are Holly's long-term (ex) boyfriend and the girl Chelsea was living with one time. That's special.
He makes me feel
safe. There are times when he's come over late at night when things have been rough between Mom and Chelsea, and I've met him outside, and he's just held me. He was there when people at school spread rumors that I was faking my seizure disorder. He's even taken care of me after I've passed out, carrying me into my house when I couldn't walk. I tell him the things I can't tell my mom. Heck, I tell him
everything that goes on with my family. And he never judges me for it or uses it against me.
I can tell you the exact moment when I realized I was really in love with him, that this was more than just the crush I had been playing it off as. June 2008 - We hadn't spoken since January, after a mistake I made that made his "fiancee" at the time, Amy, so mad she told him not to talk to me, and he listened. Some time in June, I don't remember the exact day, I found out that Amy had cheated on him and dumped him. I know Matt's heart. I know how he is when he's the dumpee and not the dumper. So I called him and left a message apologizing again for everything and just saying I wanted to make sure he was okay. He showed up that night, and we were sitting on the couch talking about what happened, and I could see tears in his eyes (that's one of
maybe two times I've seen him cry in eight years). When he started crying, I could actually
feel myself hurting with him. It's a feeling I can hardly explain - one that scared me terribly. What girl my age is supposed to feel that strongly about a boy this young who she isn't even dating? But all I knew is that this is way more than a silly schoolgirl crush. He told me then that the only reason he didn't talk to me for so long was because she wouldn't let him.
People who know the basics of this say to me, "Well, why don't you just tell him??" I wish I could. I so badly wish I could. But I'm terrified. Every time I've ever been the least bit friends with a guy and get a crush on him, he ends up abandoning me. And above everything else, Matt is my
best friend. Most of the time, I think he's the only real friend I have. I can't lose that. Part of me wants to believe that I wouldn't lose him if I told him how I really feel, but I know it'd scare the crap out of him to hear that the "feelings" I have for him are much, much stronger than I've let on in the past. I wouldn't be able to blame him for being scared, either.
You know what the one thing he's said to me that still haunts me the most, along with my reaction to it? One time, quite a while ago before he even knew I had "feelings" for him, on the phone he said, "You know, I've thought about dating you before, but you won't have sex with me." At first, I thought, "Heck no I won't. You pig! I'm proud to be a virgin and am saving that gift for someone special." Now, I've actually thought about doing it, because he is that special to me.
What is wrong with me?! I am not the kind of girl who compromises her beliefs for love. At least I thought I wasn't...until now.
I keep waiting and praying for the day when I'm not so crazy about him anymore. I know this isn't good for my mind or my spirit. I've been praying so hard that either God would help something to happen between us or that He would give me the strength and peace of mind to move on. I've asked friends to pray about it. I don't know what else to do.
I want him to be happy. I really do. I just wish he could see that he could be happier with me.
She wears high heels. I wear sneakers. She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. If you could see that I'm the one who understands you, been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me. (Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me)